Family Wiki
Scuola Catalana1

the source of the pictures and more opicters frm Araldo De Luca - click here ברשות בעל צילומים

Scuola Catalana2

the source of the pictures and more opicters frm Araldo De Luca - click here ברשות בעל הצילומים

Scuola Catalana in Rome היה אחד מבתי הכנסת שהיה ברובע היהודי ברומא ב

פרטים מבית הכנסת שמורים בIl Museo Ebraico di Roma

בכנס The Jews in Italy: Their Contribution to the Development and Spread of Jewish Heritage 2011

Dr. Ilia M. Rodov The Pope’s Emblem on the Torah Ark: Adaptation of the Renaissance in a Roman Synagogue A striding lion, crossed by an arched band, with a fleur-de-lis in its forepaw is carved in relief on the doors of the Torah ark of 1523 in the Scuola Catalana in Rome. The leonine image seems to allude to the name of Pope Leo X, who in 1518 granted the Jewish exiles from Catalania a right to estabilsh their synagogue in Rome. Yet the entire emblem is the coat-of-arms of Paul II, whose papacy lasted from 1446 to 1471, that is much earlier than the Jews of Spain begun to flee to Rome and built here their synagogue. The lecture proposes an explanation of the appearance and symbolism of the papal emblem on the Torah ark in the context of the history and ideology of the exiles from Spain, Sicily and south France in early-16th century Rome.
